The 2024 Tree Tops Homeowners Association Meeting was called to order at 6:00PM on March 21, 2024 at the Germantown Community Library. About a dozen residents were present.
Denise White introduced herself and the other board members, Dan Roeming and Doug Eberle.
1. Landscaping Report
Denise reported on landscape projects completed in the past year:
-“Beautification Project” was completed at the entrances, and ongoing at the park, with trees to be planted there this spring
-Mulching was done throughout Tree Tops
-Brush was cleared around both of the big ponds
-Major tree trimming and buckthorn removal in the orchard at the West entrance, and open area at the East entrance
-Ongoing dead Ash and Elm tree removal, including large trees at the entrances
-Responded to many homeowner requests for buckthorn and dead tree removal on outlots
-New Christmas decorations were installed
-Reminder: the Tree Tops roof color must be “Weatherwood,” as stated in the Declaration of Restrictions
Landscaping Plans for 2024:
-Replace spillway rocks at entrances
-Power Wash and paint the entrance signs
-Continue with dead tree and buckthorn removal
-Trim bushes and trees
-Continue to respond to homeowner requests for service
-Coordinate vendor work, meet with and supervise vendors
2. Mailbox, Lamp Post, and Fence Report
Doug reported on the status of the mailboxes, lamp posts, and fences:
Mailboxes: About a dozen mailboxes were damaged by the snow plows after the huge snowstorm. The Village offers temporary replacements and $100 toward a permanent replacement box. Doug will help people as needed with the replacement process.
Lamp posts: At the time of the meeting, there were only four unlit lamp posts. Doug has been active in informing people when their light is not working, and helping them with it. Since we are at the 20-year mark, many of the sensors need replacement. Another problem is some of the lamps are switched, rather than outfitted with a photoelectric control. Doug is working with homeowners to get their post up to “code” as stated in the Declaration of Restrictions.
Fences: Doug has surveyed the fences, has done some repairs himself, and made notes of other work that needs to be done. He has met with Denise and Sam, who does the Tree Tops landscaping work, to come up with a plan to have Sam do the rest of the repairs. There is 2K in the 2024 budget for fence repair.
3. Financial Report/Vote on 2024 Dues
Dan went over the proposed 2024 budget. After some discussion, the consensus was to approve the budget and to keep the dues at $375. The motion to approve the 2024 budget and $375 dues was made and seconded. The vote was done with a show of hands. The motion was approved unanimously.
4. New Board Member Inquiries
Anyone who is thinking about being on the board should contact one of the board members. We will be happy to talk to you, so you have an idea of what is involved with the job, before making a decision.
5. New Business
-A suggestion was made to schedule the annual meeting earlier next year, maybe in February.
-A suggestion was made to print a statement about interest in being a board member on the dues postcard.
-There was some confusion about the agreed-upon amount to be spent on the Christmas decorations. The 2023 meeting minutes were consulted, and it was verified that the amount was $750 per entrance.
-Information about Declaration of Restrictions rules will again be printed on the dues postcard.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00PM